Residencia Mercosur
The Residencia Mercosur is a private initiative created in 2017 by the Brazilian choreographer and dance teacher Sergio Berto.
The project aims to welcome people from the Mercosur region interested in contemporary dance, corporal movements, and collective thinking.
Dancers of all levels, from students to experienced performers, are proposed an experience mixing training programs and personal growth programs. However, the residency isn’t closed to other disciplines and welcomes visual artists, performing artists, poets, designers, choreographers, theatre troops, composers, and singers among other artistic disciplines.
Artists from all career levels can apply for a one-month residency during which they will be hosted in a house with shared rooms, collectives friendly, and have access to a shared workspace equipped with a dance floor.
During their residency, selected artists will have the opportunity to give conferences, edit some publications or give a representation of their work in progress. Artists can choose to do a self-directed residency or apply to some fully or half-funded programs through the presentation of a curriculum vitae with their website and Instagram account, an artist statement, a project proposal, to which they can add videos of their lasts achievements.
Up to this date, more than 500 artists from the Mercosur region which includes principally Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay, and Uruguay, and is extended to countries such as Bolivia, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Guyana, Peru, and Surinam, have participated in the programs of the residency, benefitting from grants that half-funded or fully funded their stay.
Residencia MercosurSão Paulo, Brazil