Samaúma SARAR
Samaúma Sarar is a rural art residency created in 2015 by Eduardo Colombo, Vitoru Kinjo, and Bhagavan-David Barki de Lima.
Those three artists left São Paulo after a series of drought in the city that made them take conscience of their dependence on city services and their lack of knowledge on the survival basics of human beings. From that point, they bought a huge farm 80 kilometers away from São Paulo, in the Atlantic forest, and started their transformation to a more ecological way of life where arts meet nature.
«Samaúma is a place dedicated to creative processes, research in both fields of arts and permaculture. (…) We cannot think about human beings if we don’t think about our environment and about the ways we deal with the world», explains Eduardo Colombo, dancer and founder of the residency program.
Indeed, nature surrounds the farm where the residents will share a cozy collective house, create, perform, dance, and meditate in the octagonal workspace build by the founders and the rural community. They’ll grow their food, and share unforgettable moments in the residence.
«We receive different kind of people from everywhere in the world and from Brazil, to be here with us some time, experience this space, to live with us a bit and dedicate himself to an artwork or a scientific project (…) it’s also an opportunity to look for different ways of collaborating or building a more creative economy», indicates Vitoru Kinjo, singer and founder of Samaúma.
Resident artists are offered different ways of realizing their stay in Samaúma: a volunteer residency to work in the multiple fields of permaculture, another program self-financed by the artists to work on their own projects, and a hybrid program where half the time goes in the common activities and the other half on their personal practice.
«We see it as a social and political project because we are engaged in improving the infrastructures, the knowledge and the relation between the cities and the countryside», concludes Bhagavad-David Barki de Lima, artist and founder of Samaúma.
Samaúma SARARBiritiba Ussu, Mogi das Cruzes, Brasil