

Vimeo Hermes

Hermes Artes Visuais is a private artist-run space created by the multidisciplinary artist and curator Carla Chaim in 2011 in the cultural Paulista neighborhood of Villa Madalena.

This initiative aims to offer a production space for local artists and a cultural exchange platform between national and international artists from different creative areas.

The residency takes place in a peaceful house with a garden where some local artists have their own studios. The resident will have a fully equipped private room, access to shared working spaces and common areas, assistance from the artists working in the house, local contacts that can help in the realization of the project, and communication and visibility on social media. In addition, the residents will be followed by an art critic for the purpose of the researches and the edition of critical texts on the project and will receive mentoring from the renown Brazilian artists Marcelo Amorim, Nino Cais, and Carla Chaim. They will also be invited to a weekly meeting with a local group of artists during which they will have the opportunity to present their works. The residents may give workshops and classes during their stay, and the residency can be concluded by a public conference, an open-studio, or an exhibition, depending on the progress of the project.

The residency can last from one to three months and has no restriction of age or career as students and creative minds can also apply to the residency. Artists can choose between self-directed, production, research, exhibition, or curating programs. Each year, two artists are selected for a fully-funded residency in exchange for an artwork.

Foundation year



Carla Chaim



World region

Latin America


Rua Hermes Fontes, 167, São Paulo,Brasil


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