Casa Belgrado
Casa Belgrado is a private cultural center and art gallery dedicated to research and experimentation in the field of contemporary arts.
Created in 2014 by Gonzalo Cordova Vergara, the aims of the Casa Belgrado is to cross disciplines, from performance, dance, theater, to filmmaking and multimedia arts or sound creation, in order to generate a multidisciplinary exchange platform. The center welcomes numerous activities as rehearsals, regular artists meetings, workshops, intensives seminars, festivals, activism meetings, and experimental performances.
« Belgrado is a place for creation and research linked to contemporary visual and performing arts and their possible juxtapositions. We are interested in opening dialogues and creating an artistic exchange, » explains Gonzalo Cordova Vergara, Casa Belgrado’s founder.
Artists can apply for production or exhibition programs, among other possibilities. Application modalities imply a Curriculum Vitae, an artist statement, and a project proposal and the residency is open to national and international emerging to mid-career artists. Up to three artists are in residence at the same time for a length of stay of one to three months. Artists will receive one private room and studio, have access to all the common areas, the library, exhibition space, dance floor, and get help from Belgrado’s community. Artists in residence are free to organize workshops during their stay or to set up an open-studio or exhibition if they wish to present the results of their residency.
Av. Belgrano 2913, Buenos Aires, Argentina