Arrebanhando Residência Artística Urbana
Videos Arrebanhando Residência Artística Urbana
Arrebanhando Residência Artística Urbana - RAU is a cultural space created in 2012 by the ceramist Claudia Jung in Arroio do Meio, a small city in the interior of Brazil crossed by the Taquari River.
The project promotes activities that stimulate the cultural, spiritual, and artistic scenes of the region and organizes meditation sessions, drawing classes, and ceramic workshops. It also gathers a group of artists from different backgrounds around experiences made to foster transdisciplinary practices and organic coexistence aimed at reducing virtual relationships, favouring face-to-face encounters.
Arrebanhando Residência Artística Urbana has a program that invites one art student each year during a period exceeding three months for a workshop program in which she or he will learn techniques around ceramic and produce new works. Other programs are available for shorter periods. In any case, the residency does not count with accommodations and the invited artists will have to find their own rooms close by the space. They will have access to shared studios, ceramic facilities, materials, exhibition rooms, and plain air spaces where they can organize and take part in cultural activities such as workshops, classes, and exhibitions for the local communities.
Although the program is only by invitation, we encourage art students interested in learning ceramic skills to contact the founder of the project to find out if she would be interested in their participation.
Arrebanhando Residência Artística UrbanaR. Maurício Cardoso, 583 - Centro, Arroio do Meio - RS, 95940-000, Brasil