Teatro de Los Andes
Teatro de Los Andes is an independent initiative started in 1991 under the impulsion of Giampaolo Nalli and César Brie who wanted to professionalize the theater and performing arts fields of Bolivia.
The space, based in the Yotala Municipality, is dedicated to the investigation, debate, production, and presentation of theater practices and organizes numerous encounters and workshops. It focuses on collective creation, scenic space reflections, and the actors’ formation. Since its creation, the theater produced twenty-two original plays, 1650 representations attended by half a million spectators, and participated in festivals all over the world.
Its residency program is an invitation to create new scenic languages, collaborate on common projects with a specialized community, and enrich the training and creative methodologies of the participants. It particularly focuses on the actor’s pedagogical processes and staging works, exploring the use of the voice and body as the main scenic expression. The program welcomes more than forty national and international artists each year, from students and emerging artists to established actors and professionals. In addition to be open to actors and performing artists, the program also welcomes visual artists, dancers, musicians, poets, puppeteers, choreographers, composers, singers, and activists.
Selected artists will be participating in intensive workshop programs with daily activities and collaborative exercises for periods varying from one to four weeks. Its space is designed to receive troops and large groups of artists that will share rooms and have access to large workspaces, a stage, a dance floor, instruments, and a library. Artists can organize classes, exhibitions, readings, and performances. They may apply by sending a CV and an artist statement.
Teatro de Los AndesLourdes, Villa de Yotala, Bolivia