Taller Casarrodante - Danza y Creación
Since 2001, Casarrodante is a renowned center dedicated to contemporary dance and corporal movement that promotes investigation in the performing and scenic fields to artists from all over the world.
The center organizes numerous activities around the body such as classes of yoga, pilates, aikido, Esferokinesis, Feldenkrais, wellness practices, musical experiences, and training programs for children and teenagers. Other projects are developed during the year in alignment with the directive lines of the center with a focus on the creation of networks and the internationalization of young Uruguayan artists through the participation in international events like the Bienal de Arte Joven in Argentina or the Training Program REVES in Costa Rica.
The residency program of Casarrodante offers spaces to national and international creators to develop processes of investigation, experimentation, and production around body language, scenic exercises, and movement arts, with a focus on pedagogical projects. Different programs are available, one permanently opened to national and international artists, a second program « Dance to Make » organized as a laboratory for collaborative workshops oriented to the creation of activities for the local dance community, and a third one called « Dance to See » which mix workshops and the participation in the current center’s activities. Other programs are also available, one of creation for a period of 4 months and a program for young creators that aims to professionalize new generations of dancers. Selected artists will be sharing rooms, have access to private studios, exhibition spaces, dance floors, and will be accompanied in the realization of their projects. The residency is punctuated by presentations of work in progress, workshops, classes, rehearsals, and demonstrations open to the general public.
Taller Casarrodante - Danza y CreaciónJoaquín de Salterain 1280, Montevideo, Uruguay