New Roots Foundation
La Nueva Fabrica is a multidisciplinary art center open since 2019 in the historical textile fabric that made the city of La Antigua worldwide famous.
The initiative has been made possible thanks to the New Roots Foundation which aims to support art, education, and environmental change in the country. For educational and environmental goals, the Foundation sets up reforestation programs around the Laguna Brava and the South Coast of the country where they implemented concepts such as sustainable community forest management, ecotourism projects, forest conservation, and youth leadership training. As for the fields of art and culture, the Foundation reaches new public through exhibitions, workshops, lectures, a Guatemalan historical archive, and a residency program.
The residency welcomes without restrictions of age, gender, race, or religion, emerging and established artists, curators, academics, and professionals from the fields of culture to reflect, investigate, produce, open dialogues, and share knowledge between artistic disciplines. Artists will be hosted on-site in private rooms, collective friendly, for a two to eight weeks stay, and will have access to private studios, textile looms (mechanical and manual), wood and metal-working facilities, and exhibition spaces. In addition, they will receive mentoring and assistance in the realization of their projects. Artists are strongly encouraged to immerse themselves in the public programs held in the center and give workshops, community building, performances, and open studios during their stay. Artists may apply during the open call, generally at the beginning of the year, and the selection process is made through the revision of their curriculum vitae, an artist statement, a body of their latest artworks, a project proposal, and a final interview.
New Roots Foundation55, Plazuela Central de Santa Ana, Antigua, Guatemala