Centro Cultural Jon Cortina
Youtube Asociación Tiempos Nuevos Teatro
The Tiempos Nuevos Teatro Association operates in El Salvador since the Peace Treaty of 1992.
The association aims to provide education to children, teenagers, women, handicapped, and elderly people through visual arts, performing arts, training for actors, agricultural work, and communitarian projects. It also plays a strong role in the social areas by promoting sensibilization campaigns with organizations that support projects oriented to women’s inclusion, environmental issues, healthcare, human rights, gender, or addictions.
In 2008, the association found a new base in the para-central zone of the country and created the Cultural Center Jon Cortina, named after the Spanish Jesuit priest and humanist who fought for civil and human rights in El Salvador. The center organizes numerous activities and workshops and is at its 15th edition of the Artistic Festival of Chalateco, its 5th edition of the Corn Festival, and its third edition of the Central American Artistic Meeting.
The residency program of TNT is open to national and international artists from the dramaturgic and performing arts such as theatre, music, dance, circus, and filmmaking, but is not closed to other disciplines or creative initiatives. The program is oriented to young artists and students from fine arts schools and welcomes two artists each year for a duration exceeding three months. The residency works by invitation and will provide the selected artists with private accommodation, a private studio, access to a dark room, a library, music instruments, computers, printers, a stage, circus materials, theatre wardrobe, and props, and receive assistance in their projects. In exchange for their stay, the artists will give classes, workshops, performances, and community activities.
San Antonio Los Ranchos, El Salvador