Centro Cultural Internacional CCI
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The Centro Cultural Internacional (CCI) was inaugurated in 2019 as an alternative space for the production and diffusion of art and culture in Panama City.
Through its Co-Art Lab, the CCI welcomes artists and creators from the creative industries as designers, digital artists, architects, or young cultural entrepreneurs, and offers private and shared spaces for the realization of their projects. In addition, the CCI puts at their disposition exhibition spaces, workshops, classes, and spaces for the presentation of performing arts.
The CCI proposes different residency programs, one for about twenty artists without accommodations but with access to the multiple spaces and mentoring of their projects. The spaces are available from one to six months at a very low price as a part of it is granted by the center. The second program is for the co-working space where numerous professionals of the artistic and cultural fields work on their own projects and create professional connexions between them. The last program includes accommodations for a minimum stay of three months in a flat close to the workspaces with shared and private rooms, private and shared studios, mentoring, and access to the library, a dance floor, and a stage. During their stay, artists can organize workshops, classes, exhibitions, conferences, open studios, performances, readings, publications, and are encouraged to create community-oriented projects, especially for children and teenagers. The programs are open to national and international artists and the selection of the participants is made through the presentation of a curriculum vitae, an artist statement, the revision of the artist’s latest artworks on their website and Instagram, and a project proposal.
Centro Cultural Internacional CCICalle 14 Oeste, Panamá