Why are artistic residencies essential?
8 founders of artist residencies in Latin America share with us their opinion on the importance and challenges of artistic residencies and cultural mobility.
Interviews with:
Pablo Casacuberta, Founder and director of GEN (Montevideo, Uruguay)
Fabian Wagmister, Founder of CheLA (Buenos Aires, Argentina)
Silvana Ovsejevich, Founder of Panal 361 (Buenos Aires, Argentina)
Lucía Valeta, Founder of Casarrodante (Montevideo, Uruguay)
Melina Berkenwald, Founder and director of URRA Tigre (Buenos Aires, Argentina)
Pablo Caligaris, Founder of La Ira de Dios (Buenos Aires, Argentina)
Gachi Prieto, Founder of Proyecto PAC (Buenos Aires, Argentina)
Nacho Unrrein, Artist in residence at Acéfala Galería (Buenos Aires, Argentina)