The Laboratory of Flexible Structures from Casa do Povo

Artists In Residence Television went to the Laboratory of Flexibles Structures organized by the cultural center Casa do Povo in Sao Paulo from 23rd to 28th of October, 2017.

The Casa do Povo invited nationals and internationals initiatives working on culture, art, political, social, and activist projects, to share their experiences on the management of their structures and to think collectively on the notions of flexibility, minimal institutionalization, hybridization of the programming grid… More than 20 persons from very heterogeneous structures were invited to participate in the numerous debates organized by the center for culture, in order to list the possibilities of more flexibles institutions and the opportunities they generate for the local scenes.

« It’s a bit of a heterogeneous mix of initiatives that nevertheless ask the same questions and the idea is to know how we can share the know-how, to try to create, beyond the instrumentalization of the knowledge of others, a real network of support and protection, » explains Benjamin Seroussi, Director of Casa do Povo.

The project of the Laboratorio para Estructuras Flxiveis was a long term project of one year of hard work for the team of the Casa do Povo and has been made possible thanks to the RUMOS Program of the bank institution Itaú Cultural who gave the financial means to invite the participants and organize the event in Sao Paulo. It was also supported by the Independent Spaces PROAC and the French Institute.

More about Casa do Povo
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